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Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency Approach.
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Katherine Ognyanova
Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency Approach.
Publications by type
Journal Article
Mainstream News Articles Co-Shared with Fake News Buttress Misinformation Narratives
Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing
Reshares on social media amplify political news but do not detectably affect beliefs or opinions
How do social media feed algorithms affect attitudes and behavior in an election campaign?
Asymmetric ideological segregation in exposure to political news on Facebook
"The CDC Won’t Let Me Be:’ The Opinion Dynamics of Support for Health Agencies’ Regulatory Authority.”
“Americans in former Confederate states more likely to say violent protest against government is justified, 160 years after Gettysburg.”
Donor activity is associated with US legislators' attention to political issues
Who Is “On Welfare”? Validating the Use of Conjoint Experiments to Measure Stereotype Content
Urban-Rural Differences in Non-Voting Political Behaviors
“Online Engagement with 2020 Election Misinformation and Turnout in the 2021 Georgia Runoff Election.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
“Studying Science Inequities: How to Use Surveys to Study Diverse Populations.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
“When Women Run, Voters Will Follow (Sometimes): Examining the Mobilizing Effect of Female Candidates in the 2014 and 2018 Midterm Elections.”
Something to Run For: Articulated Interest and Candidate Emergence
Meaningful measures of human society in the twenty-first century
Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data
Searching for the backfire effect: Measurement and design considerations
Good Decisions or Bad Outcomes? A Model for Group Deliberation on Value-Laden Topics
Theory In, Theory Out: The Uses of Social Theory in Machine Learning for Social Science
Public Health and Online Misinformation: Challenges and Recommendations
Why Keep Arguing? Predicting Participation in Political Conversations Online
Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election
How intermittent breaks in interaction improve collective intelligence
Games for Civic Renewal
How Sudden Censorship Can Increase Access to Information
The geography of money and politics: Population density, social networks, and political contributions
Enhancing Transparency and Control When Drawing Data-Driven Inferences About Individuals
Adding noise to the institution: an experimental welfare investigation of the contribution-based grouping mechanism
Fostering reproducibility in industry-academia research
Winning on the Merits: The Joint Effects of Content and Style on Debate Outcomes
Connective Recovery in social networks after the death of a friend
Effects of fairness principles on willingness to pay for climate change mitigation
Introduction to Big Data
The need for a translational science of democracy
Improving Election Prediction Internationally
Volunteer Science: An Online Laboratory for Experiments in Social Psychology
nodeGame: Real-time, synchronous, online experiments in the browser
Online Social Integration is Associated with Reduced Mortality Risk
Growing Pains for Global Monitoring of Societal Events
Digital Discrimination: Political Bias in Internet Service Provision across Ethnic Groups
Peer review and competition in the Art Exhibition Game
Big Data, Big Noise: The Challenge of Finding Issue Networks on the Web
Unwinding the hairball graph: Pruning algorithms for weighted complex networks
Wiki-worthy: collective judgment of candidate notability
Expanding the Conversation: Multiplier Effects From a Deliberative Field Experiment
Uncovering social semantics from textual traces: A theory-driven approach and evidence from public statements of U.S. Members of Congress
Tracking Employment shocks using mobile phone data
The Rise of the Social Algorithm
Turning Introductory Comparative Politics and Elections Courses into Social Science Research Communities Using Wikipedia: Improving Both Teaching and Research
Facts and Figuring: An Experimental Investigation of Network Structure and Performance in Information and Solution Spaces
How Leaders Persuade: Field experiment evidence of substantive, attributional, and behavioral persuasion by members of Congress in online town halls
Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society
Tracing Coordination and Cooperation Structures via Semantic Burst Detection
Tracing Coordination and Cooperation Structures via Semantic Burst Detection
Using sociometers to quantify social interaction patterns
Rising Tides or Rising Stars?: Dynamics of Shared Attention on Twitter during Media Events
The Parable of Google Flu: Traps in Big Data Analysis
Communication in the Aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombing
Conceptual Retention in Epistemic Communities: Examining the Role of Social Structure
Whisper: Tracing the Spatiotemporal Process of Information Diffusion in Real Time
Normative Influences on Network Structure in the Evolution of the Children’s Rights NGO Network, 1977 -2004
Mesoscopic Structure and Social Aspects of Human Mobility
More Voices Than Ever? Quantifying Media Bias in Networks
The Multiple Institutional Logics of Innovation
Finding Criminals Through DNA of Their Relatives
Who Wants To Deliberate—And Why?
The Coevolution of Networks and Political Attitudes
Computational Social Science
The Network Structure of Exploration and Exploitation
Management-Based Regulation: Prescribing Private Management to Achieve Public Goals
“Montana House Rep. Zooey Zephyr’s censure shows that American standards of political decorum are failing.” May 4, 2023. The Conversation.
“Overturning Roe is not making laws reflect what people want - new survey highlights flaws in Supreme Court’s reasoning in returning abortion authority to states.”
Why counting vaccinated Americans doesn’t always add up
Representing Is Hard. Online Town Halls Can Help
Google and Facebook aren't fighting fake news with the right weapons
"Mistaken Analysis"
What He Talked About: From sports to threats to foreign countries, here are seven years of Obama’s preoccupations in the speeches he gave—charted.
What We Can Learn From the Epic Failure of Google Flu Trends
DATA: Trump won the debate - or at least talked the most
Can Members of Congress Change Your Mind? Yes, they just have to talk to you
Erroneous Consonance. How inaccurate beliefs about physician opinion influence COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
The State of The Nation: A 50-State COVID-19 Survey
Identifying and Measuring Conditional Policy Preferences: The Case of Opening Schools During A Pandemic
Participation incentives in a survey of international non-profit professionals
The Science of Fake News
Debate data reveals it's still the Trump show
The Role of Network Science in Analyzing Slums in Rapidly Growing Urban Areas
Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency Approach.
Causing ripples in local power relations: A case study of the meso-level influence of a hyperlocal news website.
Don’t Let Me Be #Misunderstood: Linguistically Motivated Algorithm for Predicting the Popularity of Textual Memes
How Congress sees the world, in charts
The Rise of the Social Algorithm
Can Members of Congress Change Your Mind?
Matching Data and Interpretation : Towards a Rosetta Stone Joining Behavioral and Survey Data
Invited Talk
Understanding and Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Decision-Making Among College Students and Younger Adults (Archived)
Book Chapter
Vax attacks: How conspiracy theory belief undermines vaccine support
Backfire effects after correcting misinformation are strongly associated with reliability
Working Paper
Despair or Defiance? Assessing Turnout Effects of Election Misinformation
A Scalable MCEM Estimator for Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Model
Exploring the Ideological Nature of Journalists' Social Networks on Twitter and Associations with News Story Content
Social Constraints, Agency, Inter-Organizational Tie Formation and Knowledge Diffusion
In the News
New Survey Shows How Effects Of COVID-19 Got So Bad In The U.S.
Social Distancing Plummeted In Lead-Up To Fall Surge, Survey Finds
Mask-Wearing, Social Distancing Improve, But Too Slowly, Survey Shows
Conference Proceeding
Polarized, together: Comparing partisan support for trump’s tweets using survey and platform-based measures
Microblog Conversation Recommendation via Joint Modeling of Topics and Discourse
Identifying Modes of User Engagement with Online News and Their Relationship to Information Gain in Text
Understanding Feedback Expectations on Facebook
News-Based Early Warning System
Location, Location, Location: The Impact of Geolocation on Web Search Personalization
Measuring Price Discrimination and Steering on E-commerce Web Sites
Measuring personalization of web search
Voices of Victory: A Computational Focus Group Framework for Tracking Opinion Shift in Real Time
#Bigbirds Never Die: Understanding Social Dynamics of Emergent Hashtags
Recipe recommendation using ingredient networks
More Voices than Ever? Quantifying Bias in Social and Mainstream Media. Proceedings of the 5th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2011)
Disambiguating Contributor Identity in Political Campaign Contributions
Peer Reviewed Computer Science Conference
Auditing Partisan Audience Bias within Google Search
ConStance: Modeling Annotation Contexts to Improve Stance Classification
"Voters of the Year": 19 Voters Who Were Unintentional Election Poll Sensors on Twitter
On the Interpretability of Thresholded Social Networks
A Frame of Mind: Using Statistical Models for Detection of Framing and Agenda Setting Campaigns.
Conducting Massively Open Online Social Experiments with Volunteer Science
Combating Fake News: An Agenda for Research and Action
Media Coverage And Appearance
Data Scientists Find Consistencies In Donald Trump's Erratic Twitter Strategy
PhD student to study water and control in Uganda through interviews --and equations